*Admission & Requirements

General Conditions
Citizenship and Residence
(A) The applicant must not be a national of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI).
Note 1: Applicants with a dual nationality (Iranian and non-Iranian) cannot be accepted as an international (non-Iranian) student.
Note 2: Acceptance of applicants whose parents are Iranian and who have a passport and citizenship of another country is prohibited.
(B) The applicant must not be prohibited from residing in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the permission must be endorsed by the competent authorities; the applicant must have a certificate confirming the competence of the applicant issued by the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the country of origin or by the Foreign Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
(C) The applicant must not be prohibited form staying in Iran and in the city of Maragheh.
(D) Scholarship recipients must not have stayed in Iran before commencing the degree course, a rule that applies to scholarship recipients.
(E) The applicants – scholarship recipient or regular – can finalize their admission at University of Maragheh and initiate the degree course after receiving an educational passport supplied by the embassy of the respective country of origin, the educational visa and the paperwork confirming the applicant’s competence issued by Student Affairs Organization.

Note 3: Regarding valid identity documents of nationals of the countries of Afghanistan and Iraq, the latest bylaws for Students Affairs within the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology are consulted.

Requirements for studying and certifying a degree

(A) The applicant must not be legally prohibited from enrolling in a program.
(B) Studying in the authorized fields of interest must be possible.

Note 1: Admission will only be possible in fields where there is no legal restriction to enrolment in terms of academic regulations for foreign nationals in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Note 2:  Studying simultaneously at other universities or in any other degree courses in Iran is banned.
(C) The applicant must possess previous qualifications (high school, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees for undergraduate, postgraduate and postgraduate degree courses, respectively).
Note 3: Certificates and transcripts issued by foreign schools and universities must be endorsed by the representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the respective country or by the embassy of the that country and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. If it is not in English, it must be accompanied by a certified Persian translation.
Note 4: High school diploma issued in Afghanistan as a prerequisite to studying in the undergraduate degree course should also be approved by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan as well as by the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kabul.
Note 5: Admission of applicant with an associate degree is allowed only in undergraduate courses. Adapting the courses passed [in the previous college] to the current degree course is the responsibility of the respective department.
Note 6: Admitting non-Iranian nationals living in Iran is allowed in accordance with the regulations and bylaws of the Ministry of Interior, which is included in the guidebook of the nationwide university entrance examination [i.e., konkur] conducted by National Organization of Educational Testing.
(D) In ​​addition to the above-mentioned documents, the those applying for the study assistance scholarship of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran are required to provide a letter of introduction from the Scholarship Board of Non-Iranian Students of the respective ministry.
Note 7: In the case of obtaining or having the scholarship of the University of Maragheh, presenting the letter of introduction to the Admission Office and the head of International [non-Iranian] Students Office is required.
(F) Applicant for admission to master and PhD programs must obtain the approval of the supervisor; the admission must also be approved by the Office of Education and Research and the Director of Graduate Studies at University of Maragheh. The approval must be submitted to the International and Scientific Cooperation Office at University of Maragheh.

Health certificate
(A) Possessing a valid physical and mental health certificate approved by the authorized representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the country concerned and by the certified physician of the University of Maragheh.

Financial condition of education
(A) Possessing a scholarship certificate in case of applying for scholarship
(B) Having the financial means to afford university tuition fee and living expenses in Maragheh for regular students [i.e., students not receiving a study scholarship].

Note 1: University of Maragheh is not obligated to pay any living expenses for scholarship applicants.
Persian Language Abilities
Adequate degree of proficiency in the Persian language approved by a certificate of proficiency in Persian language test
(A) Assessment of the applicant’s proficiency in Persian is carried out in two ways:
1) The level of proficiency of those non-Iranian applicants who have passed their previous degree courses in Iran is already accepted.
2) The level of proficiency of other non-Iranian applicants who have not passed their previous degree courses in Iran should be evaluated by one of the certified Persian language teaching centers.
 Universities and Higher Education Centers which are prepared to offer courses in Persian language and literature with the approval of the Board of Scholarship for Non-Iranian Students.
Note 2:  Following being accepted in University of Maragheh and before the beginning of the program, applicants will start learning Persian in one of the university centers.
Note 3: Applicants who do not have sufficient knowledge of Persian are required to participate in the Persian Language and Literature course at one of the certified Persian language centers before the initiation of their degree courses.

Note 4: The cost of training in Persian language and literature of scholarship recipients is covered by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology or the institute offering the scholarship.
Note 5: The cost of training in Persian language and literature of the regular students must be covered by the student herself/himself.
Note 6: Applicants who fail the Persian language course can reenroll for a second time, if approved by the center, and by paying the costs. This can be renewed one time. These applicants do not have scholarship aid during this period.
Note7: Repeating the Persian language course for the regular students is not restricted insofar as the student pays the tuition himself or herself. 

Ability to speak English
(A) Non-English speaking PhD students (i.e., those from countries in which the English language is not the official language), and those students who have not completed their undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in one of the English language universities will be required to sit one of the following examinations and acquire the minimum acceptable mark:
TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, MSRT/ MCHE, MHLE, TOLIMO, Cambridge First Certificate, Cambridge Advanced Certificate, Cambridge Proficiency Certificate, English Language GCSE, or O-level, International Baccalaureate Standard Level (SL), European Baccalaureate

 (B) Applicants for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees must have a preliminary knowledge of English and, if necessary, pass prerequisite courses.

If it is proved that the scholarship recipient has, from the outset, failed to satisfy the general requirements of this regulation, the Board of Scholarship will decide whether the student should be dismissed or continue studying as a regular student as well as preventing him or her from studying at a higher degree course. Decisions about these students is made by the Admissions Committee of the university.

Special qualifications

* Academic qualifications
* Undergraduate level

(A) Applicants for undergraduate studies must have a high school diploma, a pre-university certificate or any other certificate equivalent thereof, which must be approved by the competent authorities.
Note 1: Applicants in countries where the value of the high school diploma does not match that of a high school diploma in the Islamic Republic of Iran are required to complete additional courses for a period set by the university and to successfully complete pre-university courses. Subsequently, applicants for a scholarship will be recommended by the Scholarship Council to the university for continuing education. Successful completion of graduate courses for regular applicants is confirmed by the University Admissions Committee.
Note 2: Foreign nationals who graduated from the Islamic Republic of Iran’s overseas high schools may continue their education at universities and institutes of higher education in Iran.
Note 3: Foreign nationals who graduated from schools in the Islamic Republic of Iran are excluded from this program and will be subject to the rules of admission of Iranian applicants.
Note 4: The children of foreign political representatives who have completed their education in Iran will be exempted from Note 3, as proposed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and approved by the Scholarship Board.
In M.A. degree courses:
(A) Applicants must have a valid undergraduate degree approved by the competent authorities.
(B) The view of the department regarding the academic status of the applicant on the basis of his or her academic background must be acquired.
(C) When the department approves the admission of the applicant, the applicant’s supervisor must be chosen.

In Ph.D. degree courses:
(A) Ph.D. applicants must have a valid master’s degree approved by the competent authorities.
(B) The approval of the department based on approved indicators must be obtained.
(C) If the department approves the admission of the applicant, it is necessary to identify the applicant’s supervisor.

*Acceptance Deadline & Academic Calendar*

The deadline for accepting the application and the application of a non-scholarship applicant for each semester 6 months before the beginning of the semester is according to the educational calendar of the University of Maragheh. Submissions will be reviewed after the deadline for the next semester. The timing of the inquiry and the announcement of the result is as follows:


Resources & Forms

Click here

Tuition & Expenses

The tuition fee for the three-month-long Persian course is 32,200,000 rials.
The tuition fee for residence is $100 for single students

Visa Affairs

During your stay in Iran as an International Students, you may want to plan trips for which you will need different types of visas. Below, you can find instructions on how to acquire the type of visa suitable for your particular purpose….

?How to Apply

The procedure of admitting regular foreign students in the University of Maragheh
Foreign Students Administration Office of the University of Maragheh hereby declares that the University of Maragheh is prepared to accept applicants willing to study here as regular students (students who do not receive a scholarship from their governments). The applicants can start the procedure by submitting their paperwork to interstu@maragheh.ac.ir. The procedure is included below.
Required paperwork
* General information form (Form #1)
* A copy of the applicant’s passport, indicating that he or she is not Iranian
* Degrees and transcripts of the previous degree courses certified by competent authorities (the science ministry of the country of origin, Iran’s embassy in the country of origin or Iran’s consulates in those countries)
* The applicant’s CV for Ph.D. courses (including the applicant’s email and phone number)
* Applicant’s photo
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